Do not buy premium account anymore. The site has not paid uploader commissions for almost a year.
In the future, picture will no longer provide uploaded download links.
upload.netプレミアムアカウントはもう購入しないでください。 このサイトは、ほぼ1年間アップローダー手数料を支払っていません。
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This is very sad. I’ve already subscribed to 1 yr 🙁
Try to get a refund, I haven’t given up using it yet. However, some small files will no longer be uploaded to ul. If the situation does not change, files will no longer be uploaded to ul by 2023
sadly its already 2 months used and no refund.
is rapidgator a good site?
I think rapidgator is a good site, and it has been running since 2012 with no problems.
It’s an out-of-place question, but please forgive me.
What you mean by your Upscales.
Your Upscale from low resolution?
Thank you.
I’m sorry.
If it’s from high resolution, it’s not called Upscale.
One after another
Previously was the most reliable hoster for me.
You also wanted to believe it.
I’m sorry about this time.
I trust him and I still use it even though I haven’t paid my commission for almost a year. You go to other sites to see how many people offer UL filehost downloads.

I’m so glad I only renewed my UPLOADED membership for a month. I was going to switch to paying by the year… Now I can switch to something else. Thanks for the info.
juicy honey the newst pls
Plsss add more hiroe igeta photobook
By the way,
which do you like,Japanese,Korean or Chinese?
I prefer Japanese
Make this set, admin, please EXC #065 KANA
uploaded was a very good site.
KAT also has few broken links, but it is slow
Other sites have many broken links.
is there any recommendation for generating links website?
I have a question for you, but it’s up to you to answer.
Shouldn’t you separate your website by Japanese releases or Chinese & Korean ones?
Alternatively by movies or pictures & short movies.
I don’t have time to manage that many sites, and it also spreads out traffic
It’s dead. You can remove this sticky.
Hello, can I get ’近藤あさみ あさみ日和 ~新章~ Part2’?
The model number is ‘bfaa-080’.
I am always grateful for your help.
ok I will upload the IV sometime next week
Thank you so much! I am relying on you.